Task: Graphics Editor Reviews
Part of the work for the BASICS web site and database project will involve
the production of various graphics images. To be effective at producing
those images, we need to have the right tools. Continuing in the
tradition that we started with 1st Page 2000, we would like to find a freely
available graphics tool that is suitable for our use on this project.
Our primary purpose is to find a freely available tool that allows us to
create 2D still images and save them as GIF or JPEG images.
Your task is to review several different free graphics editors and put
together a feature matrix (table) that clearly identifies the differences
(pros and cons) among the different graphics editors. The number
of graphics editors that you review is at your discretion, although you
should have at least 2 or 3 editors in the matrix that of high enough quality
that we would be able to stick with any one of them while minimizing our
need for any other graphics tools.
Go to
Put together a feature matrix (table) for each graphics editor you review
using the following criteria:
Supports GIF? max bit depth?
Supports JPEG? max bit depth?
Supports PNG? max bit depth?
Supports animated GIF?
Can convert GIF to JPEG? JPEG to GIF? BMP to GIF or JPEG?
Has bitmap graphics editor?
Has vector graphics editor?
Graphics editor allows specifying transparency (for GIF images)?
Minimum CPU requirement?
Minimum memory requirement?
Minimum disk space requirement?
Downloaded size?
Is a VB runtime library required?
Any licensing hitches or hidden gotchas?
List any bonus features:
color filtering
Bezier curves
2D special effects
3D special effects
ray-tracing (shadows, reflections, refreactions, etc.)
Try using the graphics editor to make a simple icon (e.g. Green Bay Packers
logo, MasterCard logo, etc.). Do you encounter any bugs while using
the editor? Are there any design limitations that make the editor
hard to use?
Other notable pros or cons?
Based on your review, what are the top two or three editors we should consider